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Hi all.. This is the first time for me writing the blog.. It seems very interesting though.. Hopefully my writing idea can be an inspiration for you guys especially for your decision to study abroad.. C u guys around and keep reading my blog..Enjoyy =)

Study Abroad Pictures

Top 10 Universities In The World

Here are the 10 best universties in the world:

1. Harvard University, United States

2. Stanford University, United States

3. University of California, Berkeley United States

4. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

6. California Institute of Technology, United States

7. Columbia University, United States

8. Princeton University, United States

9. University of Chicago, United States

10. Oxford University, United Kingdom

Here is the video of top 10 universities if the world, enjooyy!!

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Grants and Scholarships for Study Abroad

There are a multitude of scholarships for study abroad. In addition for study of various languages abroad or for study of a particular language or in a particular country, there are also many more scholarships attached to particular abroad programs or are awarded to students enrolled at particular universities. Make sure you explore financial aid options specific to whatever study abroad program you choose.

Apart from these opportunities, you should check with the government of the country where you intend to study -- Contact either an embassy or consular office or the country's department of education. Many countries offer financial support to international students to make study in their country a more attractive and feasible option.

Let's take a look at this website http://www.vistawide.com/grants/study_abroad_scholarships.htm for study abroad scholarships information. 

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What features of a program are important to look for?

The answer for this question is largely depend on your goals. However some typical features create the most rewarding experiences with the longest-lasting benefits, there are:
• The program is at least a semester in length.
• There is a well-developed pre-departure orientation and in-country support to help you adjust to living and studying abroad.
• The program gives you the opportunity to interact extensively with natives both in and outside of school. Housing with a host family can be ideal.
• There is ample support for language development. If you are in a non-English- speaking country, a good program will provide you with intensive corollary language instruction before and during your stay.
• Instruction in other courses is in the native language, and not in English.
• There is ample opportunity to participate in field trips and other cultural activities outside the classroom.
• Good programs allow you know without a doubt before you leave whether and for which courses you will be able to transfer academic credits to your home instution.
• Good programs provide opportunites to contact former and current participants to allow you to ask questions and get first-hand answers.
Visit your campus study abroad office and ask if you can talk to some students who have recently returned from stays abroad. These students have a wealth of information, informed opinions, and experience-based advice. Take advantage!

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How to choose the program?

Find out which programs your school offers and what requirements and prerequisites are in place is essential. Choosing a program either run by or formally recognized by your institution is the best guarantee for receiving academic credit for your experience abroad.

In order to choose a program that ideally suits you, you will first need to define the goals you would like to achieve through the experience. For example, would you like to learn a language? If so, then you should not choose a program in which the courses are taught in your native language or in which you spend most of your time with people from your own country. Are you looking for an opportunity to travel? Then finding a program in a fairly central location with good public transportation and ample time off to travel is an important feature for you.

You should also explore how program offerings apply toward your degree or to your education as a whole. Does the program relate to your major (if you already have one). Can you take courses that will apply toward major or general education requirements? Does the program give you the opportunity to take courses you might not otherwise have the opportunity to take at home? Are there extracurricular offerings -- organized field trips or pre-program intensive language immersion courses, for example-- that can enhance the experience?

Finally, depending on your degree of personal independence and comfort with the idea of going abroad, you may prefer a program that has a strong orientation component and an on-site support network for international students, if not just for students from your particular school.

For your reference to search a databases of study abroad programs and related books and articles, you can view here

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Destinations for study abroad

Deciding where to study is just as important as choosing a study abroad program, and it depends on very personal factors. Different factors are important to different people. If closely integrating the experience with your degree is important to you, then you should consider a location that offers courses in your major and has natural affinities to your major that will afford you experiences in your field of interest outside the classrrom, too. If there is a language that especially interests you for either personal or professional reasons, that can help narrow down the choice of countries. Or perhaps you just want to get to know your cultural heritage. 

Also remember that while large cities offer numerous social and intellectual opportunities, they are also more cosmopolitan. Your extracurricular options may seem more limited in a smaller town, but it's there that you will gain more of an appreciation of traditional ways of life and make connections with the natives. Some of the top destinations for study abroad are USA, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France, China, and Australia.

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10 reasons why you should study abroad

Have you considered studying abroad, but are not sure whether it's worth your time? If you ask anybody who has studied abroad, he or she will most certainly tell you that it is a life-changing experience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done. Perhaps you're not certain what benefits you can reap from an extended stay in a foreign country. Here are 10 very excellent reasons why you should take the plunge:

1. Study abroad is the optimal way to learn a language. There is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a culture that speaks the language you are learning. You're surrounded by the language on a daily basis and are seeing and hearing it in the proper cultural context. Language learning happens most quickly under these circumstances.
2. Study abroad provides the opportunity to travel. Weekends and academic breaks allow you to venture out and explore your surroundings - both your immediate and more distant surroundings. Since studying abroad often puts you on a completely different continent, you are much closer to places you might otherwise not have had the opportunity to visit. Some more structured study abroad programs even have field trips planned in or around the curriculum.
3. Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand. Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. A person's culture reflects very deep perceptions, beliefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.
4. Study abroad will help you develop skills and give you experiences a classroom setting will never provide. Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting is scary at first, but it's also exciting. It's an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems. You will encounter situations that are wholly unfamiliar to you and will learn to adapt and respond in effective ways.
5. Study abroad affords you the opportunity to make friends around the world. While abroad, you will meet not only natives to the culture in which you are studying, but also other international students who are as far from home as yourself.

6. Study abroad helps you to learn about yourself. Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and perspectives about themselves and their own culture. The experience abroad often challenges them to reconsider their own beliefs and values. The experience may perhaps strengthen those values or it may cause students to alter or abandon them and embrace new concepts and perceptions. The encounter with other cultures enables students to see their own culture through new eyes.
7. Study abroad expands your worldview. In comparison with citizens of most other countries, Americans tend to be uninformed about the world beyond the nation's boundaries. Students who study abroad return home with an informed and much less biased perspective toward other cultures and peoples.
8. Study abroad gives you the opportunity to break out of your academic routine. Study abroad is likely to be much unlike what you are used to doing as a student. You may become familiar with an entirely new academic system and you will have the chance to take courses not offered on your home campus. It's also a great opportunity to break out the monotony of the routine you follow semester after semester.
9. Study abroad enhances employment opportunities. Did you know that only 4% of U.S. undergraduates ever study abroad? Yet, the world continues to become more globalized, American countries are increasingly investing dollars abroad, and companies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market. Through an employer's seyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations. Your experience living and studying in a foreign country, negotiating another culture, and acquiring another language will all set you apart from the majority of other job applicants.
10. Study abroad can enhance the value of your degree. While abroad, you can take courses you would never have had the opportunity to take on your home campus. In addition, study abroad gives your language skills such a boost that it is normally quite easy to add a minor in a language or even a second major without having to take many more additional courses after the return to your home campus.

If you're still wondering if study abroad is a good idea for you, then read the U.S. Senate Resolution citing 13 reasons why it is imperative for more Americans to study abroad.

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Disadvantages of Study Abroad

Many people who want to study abroad sometimes don’t realize what they’re facing. At the beginning, I didn’t expect that studying abroad is not as easy as I think. Of course sacrifice is needed in order to pursue your dream, and here are some disadvantages of studying abroad:

1.     Far from family and friends
Homesick is not a small issue, guys. It’s hard to be far from your close family and friends. That’s why homesick might be the biggest problem for some people when they’re studying abroad. Although you still can contact your family and friends by phone, facebook, twitter, email, etc. It’s still can’t replace their absence. Besides, if something bad happens with your family or friends, it’ll be very irritating and painful for you if you can’t see them. That’s why before you study abroad, please be aware of this consequence and be prepared.

2.    Expensive
Studying abroad may cost you more than if you’re studying in your own country. But still, it depends on the case (in which country you’re from and in which country you want to study). It’ll be very good if you do some research about your tuition fee and living expenses first before studying abroad.

3.    Need to study harder
As a foreign student, you also need to study the natives’ language since the knowledge probably be delivered in natives’ language. Besides that, you may have different basic knowledge from the local student. So, you need to study harder to catch up the lesson.

4.    New situations
Adaptation is the most important thing if you enter a new situation. You have to adapt to new culture, custom, habits, and tradition. Like for example, the food is different from your country then u need to adapt to the new food. Of course, it needs some time for you to adapt but along the time that’s not a big deal. J

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Advantages of Study Abroad

Here some advantages of study abroad:

1.     Study foreign language
You can study a foreign language abroad, and it will be in more effective way. Some people who study foreign language in their own country find that it is hard to learn a new language, but study abroad sure will help you to learn the language easier. Your surroundings will definitely ‘force’ you to learn the language well.

2.    Build your connections
Based on my own experience, study abroad helps you to build connections. You can meet so many new people, interacting with them, and learn about their cultures. What’s so fun about studying abroad is that you’ll meet people from so many countries other than just the natives. When I studied in China, I’ve met many other foreigners such as from Korea, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, etc. It’s fun to get to know their culture. Besides, if we visit their county, sure we’ll have a free tour guide and translator! J

3.    Add plus point on your resume
By studying abroad, you’ll have some plus point in your resume and it will, of course, influence your career. Especially, people in Indonesia tend to think highly of people that have studied abroad because people that have studied abroad are usually more independent and flexible. Also, your ability to use foreign language will add some more points on your resume. It’ll be easier for you to get a good job and a high salary!

4.    Experience something new
You just can’t imagine what you will experience when you study abroad. No doubt that you’ll experience a lot of new things in the new different country, and it’ll help you to grow too! That’s why people that have studied abroad usually are more independent and flexible. Study abroad will build your character and help you to get know yourself and others better.

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How to Study Abroad?

How to Study Abroad? There are a lot of important things to be consider for study abroad.
Below is the video to guide you to prepare yourself before you fly abroad. Enjooyyy!!

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Study Abroad

Hey there, nowadays many people consider to go abroad as a choice for their education places.This is a very good choices and opportunity to study in a country with different cultures,custom,and traditions as you can learn many things from that. Personally, I'm definitelly agree with it since I'm experiencing atudy abroad in Malaysia now. For me, things that I get while study abroad is really a valuable experience that you can get nowhere. So, I just want to share my little experience during studying abroad. Hope it would help many people who still confused whether they want to study abroad or not.

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